What Are the Different Methods of Circumcision?


Circumcision refers to a surgical procedure where the foreskin covering the hole for the urine exit is removed. Children are usually circumcised at an early age. However, it can be quite traumatizing for them. Only trained professionals should perform this procedure. Improper circumcision could lead to sexual and psychological problems. It is therefore important to choose the best method for your child’s circumcision.

Laser circumcision

Laser circumcision is a painless, minimally invasive and quick method of circumcision. The procedure is possible under either local or general anaesthesia. Pre-operative testing may be necessary to determine the suitability of laser circumcision for a specific patient. Local anaesthesia may be used. Patients may return home in three to five hours. Once the laser procedure is complete, the patient should be careful and avoid strenuous activity for at least two to three days.

circumcision treatment

This procedure requires a small incision near the prepuce. The laser is more effective than the traditional guillotine and can cut through multiple layers, leaving no scarring. The laser can be used to quickly remove the foreskin by setting it at a certain frequency and wattage. It is similar to a scalpel. After the procedure, blood is drained and a bandage is placed over the penis. If bleeding is detected after the procedure, a doctor might prescribe anti-inflammatory medication or antibiotics.

Bell method

The Bell method of circumcision involves the use a plastic “bell” that separates the penis from the foreskin. This method is very similar to how the umbilical cord will fall off after birth. The Bell method offers some advantages over traditional surgical methods such as avoiding blood loss, and the elimination of sutures. Although it is not a surgical procedure, it involves cutting the skin and causing bleeding. It can also leave a scar. However, with this method, there is minimal bleeding.

The plastic ring will be removed after the circumcision procedure. Afterward, the baby may be allowed to wash the penis with warm water. It is best not to use baby wipes, as this may cause pain to the penis. It is important to wash the penis regularly with warm water after changing diapers, but not using baby wipes. The plastic ring should come off in 7-10 days. It is important to not remove the plastic ring too early or you could get an infection.

Surgical removal of foreskin

Surgical removal of foreskin during penis circumcision can be an effective treatment for certain physical and religious problems. Although the results may vary from person to person, circumcision is often performed on an outpatient basis. You will be asked not to eat for six hours prior to surgery. After that, you will be able discuss your concerns with the doctor. Your surgeon will give you the opportunity to ask any questions regarding circumcision.

You should avoid strenuous activity and vigorous exercise for a few days following a circumcision. It is also recommended that you refrain from sexual activity for six weeks after the procedure. A yellow crust could form at the surgical site. Petroleum jelly can be applied to the area to protect it from irritation. For several weeks, your child will need to be covered with a diaper. You should refrain from any vigorous activities that could cause the wound swelling during the healing process.

Recovery from circumcision

For a few days, you should refrain from having sex after the circumcision treatment. A night erection can pull on the stitches, so make sure you empty your bladder before retiring for the night. Avoid lying on your back for the first few days after your circumcision and keep your knees bent. You should not pull the plastic ring off yourself. The plastic ring will usually fall off by itself after about a week. After the procedure, you should refrain from bathing or tub-soaking for six more weeks.

The procedure takes about thirty minutes and is done under general anesthesia. The surgeon makes a small incision behind the penis’ head, exposing the penis completely. To ease any discomfort, local anesthesia is sometimes used. Although the procedure itself is quite straightforward, it is much more complicated for adults that it is for babies. This means that there will be some swelling and discomfort. After the procedure is complete, you should wash the area well and ensure that it’s dry.

Author: Jason Foster